Monday, September 26, 2011


we are filthy girls.
This weekend, friends and I "ran" a 5k mud run..for charity, of course.
This is the wolf pack, prior to jumping over hay stacks, climbing walls, and rope swinging across mud puddles.

So the Dirty Dash may or may not have given us a reason to live our childhood dreams of rolling around in the mud without fearing the wrath of our mothers. It was a good day.

In other news, hope everyone noticed the equinox a few days ago! It happens twice a year when the Earth doesn't tilt towards or away from the sun. One of my professors told me that you could stand an egg up straight on these days..

It worked.

h. henrich

Sunday, September 18, 2011

friends, football

These babes are the reason Utah has been such a delight.

(that water was freezing)

We went to our first home game yesterday. We got slaughtered, but we did get second row seats.

I know, I couldn't believe it either.

(attempt at being cougars)
h. henrich

P.s. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! A friend once told me not to waste my youth growing up. I hope to stay forever young :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Amigos! Hi, hope your summer was great! Condensed version of mine: lake, work, hoppin on the track, bahamas, beach, kickboxing, and doing hoodrat things with friends.

climbing rope bridges with k woww in the bahamas.

So, now I'm back at BYU for another year full of great friends and excellent times. I'm kind of stoked about it. Here's what's happened in the last seven days since I've arrived..
road tripping to utah with rinnie rinster :)
 luchadores...paco won.
 boating and things!
 excellent seats at soccer games!
rooftop concerts
 sweet sunsets

I think it's gonna be a great year :)

h. henrich

p.s. if you made it this far, here's what I meant by hoppin on the track ;) w/ j steez & robbie youngz aka jake and robert.

yitted on em. by hollythatcould