Saturday, March 26, 2011

the Beatles or the Rolling Stones

Currently sitting in my fort hiding from my biology studies. need more metric to put things into perspective. I've been doing a lot of dreaming lately..  it may get me into trouble one of these days. I don't just want to dream anymore.

...personally, i'd be the Beatles.

anyway, today was Festival of Colors. So many people throwing scented powder at each other's fun.

People were everywhere. Everyone was in such a fun mood. Kind of reminded me of Lord of the Flies, except instead of killing Simon, we just danced around and marked people with powder. Strangers were throwing powder at each other and not getting into brawls <333 (contrary to what is seen in picture below)

Definitely gonna get me by for the next few weeks of this semester :)

h. henrich

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Greetings loved ones. So much has happened this past week, so here's some more elevator music while you read on:

oh, wondering about that video? well you see, that's corinne (bandmate/roommate/partner in pranks) we're just poor college students in dire need of m&s tickets for las vegas next month, but we just can't blow our entire savings to see them. So instead we thought we'd attempt to sing one of their songs "white blank page".

that's mumford..and all of his sons.

So earlier this week was one of my future/past roommate's birthday. we threw her a surprise birthday party filled with cupcakes and ice cream. she's the one throwing up the gang sign.

She's so cool and we watch Jersey Shore together. She made me this! The snooki to my jwoww <33

But anyway, onto something much more important..Japan. It's heartbreaking to see the images of what's going on there and it's times like these I wish I was back at EHS helping to organize some type of fundraiser with clubs to raise money, and I hope EHS is doing something in light of this crisis. People can do things from anywhere though. Pray for Japan, pray for everyone who's in need of something. It's hard to imagine a country going through this with all the luxury we live in..

h. henrich

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Oh hey, welcome to my humble abode. I thought I'd make a blog to make things more convenient for facestalkers to stay updated on my adventures..and friends too. Here's some elevator music while you read on about the things i feel i must announce:

Ahem. First and foremost, I believe in Star Wars. I have been called every name in the book: dweeb, nerd, skilled jedi padawan, etc (all of which may or may not be true).  I have a poster above my bed of Episode IV and every time I look at it, I get more and more confident in my belief that somewhere out there, galactic wars are being fought. There is so much more to this universe than just us, and I hope we get to discover places like that at some point in our existence. I also think ewoks are adorable little creatures. I'd like to meet one and befriend it

Next, I have a secret spot here in Provo. I go to it whenever I need to get away from this shoe box of a dorm or study/people watch. A select group of people know where it is, and I recently went to this place with some great friends when we needed to study for our exams this weekend. I have a hunch they like this place too

I sure do like my friends.

h. henrich

oh and if you're a facestalker...satisfied with this one? i'll keep em coming :)